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Can I sue my landlord for not making repairs in Florida? Can You Sue Your Landlord for Not Making Repairs in Florida? Exploring Tenant's Rights

Posted by Debi Rumph | Aug 30, 2023 | 4 Comments


When it comes to suing your landlord for not making repairs in Florida, things can get complicated. It's not a simple yes or no question as it depends on different factors. These include who is responsible for repairs, the details of your lease agreement, Florida laws, and the type of damages sought. In this article, we'll explore these factors and provide insight to help you decide whether you should consider suing your landlord.

Understanding the Obligation of Repairs

If you are considering taking legal action against your landlord for not making repairs, it's important to understand who is responsible for performing those repairs. This responsibility is typically outlined in your written lease agreement, if any, but it is also addressed in Fla. Stat. s. 83.51. Thus, to determine who is responsible for repairs, one must analyze how Fla. Stat. s. 83.51 intersects with the lease agreement.

Statutes Governing Tenant's Repair Rights

Florida Statutes, specifically, Fla. Stat. s. 83.51 determines which landlords are responsible for ensuring that their rental properties meet basic safety and livability standards. If you have been properly delegated the obligation of repair, there is a good chance your landlord should not be sued for failing to make repairs.

Fla. Stat. s. 83.56 is also an important law that explains the rights of tenants regarding repairs. It describes what tenants can do if their landlord fails to maintain the property or make needed repairs. According to Florida Fla. Stat. s. 83.56(1)(b), a tenant may be able to get some of their rent back if the landlord doesn't meet their obligations. Although getting a full rent refund is rare, it may be possible in specific situations.

Lease Agreement and Tenant's Rights

Your lease agreement is crucial in determining your rights as a tenant for repairs. It may contain clauses about maintenance responsibilities, repairs, and reporting procedures for issues to your landlord. To understand your rights and your landlord's obligations, it's essential to carefully review your lease agreement. If your lease agreement states that your landlord is responsible for repairs and maintenance, you may have stronger grounds for a legal claim. On the other hand, if it states that you are responsible for repairs, you must have a valid argument to declare the provision unenforceable before suing your landlord for failing to make repairs.

Contract vs. Tort: Determining the Type of Damages Sought

If you are considering taking legal action against your landlord for failing to make necessary repairs, it's crucial to understand the difference between contract and tort claims. Contract claims relate to violations of the lease agreement and its obligations, while tort claims involve negligence or wrongful actions that result in damages. Knowing the type of claim you have can affect the damages you can seek in a lawsuit. It's worth noting that recovering damages in landlord and tenant cases based on tort claims can be challenging, whereas contract claims are usually more successful.

Elevate Your Understanding and Assert Your Rights

As a tenant in Florida, it's crucial to be aware of your rights regarding the responsibility of your landlord for fixing any damages. This involves understanding the specific lease terms and legal regulations, as well as the type of damages you're seeking. To ensure that you're well-prepared to handle any issues or damages, and to evaluate the validity of your claim, it's advisable to consider seeking professional legal advice. With a clear understanding of your rights and expert guidance, you can confidently deal with any disagreements with your landlord. We offer tenants like you a range of options, so please contact us today and complete our online form to find out more.

Suing a landlord for failing to make necessary repairs in Florida is a complex matter, shaped by a multitude of factors. This article delves into the intricacies of this issue, highlighting the importance of understanding responsibilities, legal statutes, and types of damages sought.

About the Author

Debi Rumph

The Law Offices of Debi V. Rumph and Debi's Tenant Clinic Corner About Us Since July 2005, The Residential Realty Law Firm provided a wide range of legal services as it related to home ownership. However, on July 1, 2012, The Residential Realty Law Firm became the Law Offices of Debi V. Rumph. Debi pr...


suzan smith Reply

Posted Feb 21, 2024 at 15:48:49

we need help asap.

Debi Rumph Reply

Posted Feb 22, 2024 at 06:24:08

Hi Susan. Thanks for posting. I would highly recommend our Talk to the Attorney option. It is affordable and fast. Most tenants get all of their questions answered during the 15 minute session. To learn more, here is our blog post (with a link to a short video):

We would love to help you.

Jen Robinson Reply

Posted Mar 17, 2024 at 00:03:50

New owners since 2022, breached contract, failing to make repairs, no on-site management and no gym. Gym closed down for over a year. Signed contract states all of these things. I have been living at this community for 6 years, other tenants same or longer. Property has 60 units and 38 tenants are breaking there lease and looking for an attorney due to this. The residents are meeting on Sunday. Is this something you can help with.

Debi Rumph Reply

Posted Mar 18, 2024 at 07:51:13

Hi Jen. Absolutely this is something that I can assist with. Did the meeting occur on March 17, 2024? If not, what time is the upcoming meeting? I would love to attend.

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