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Received A Claim Against Your Security Deposit From Your Landlord? How Should You Respond?

Posted by Debi Rumph | Nov 28, 2019 | 2 Comments

Has your landlord sent you a notice of claim on your security deposit? If so, you may have a limited time to send a response.  However, in my experience, a short and sweet response is always best. This is especially true if you haven't been working directly with an attorney from the beginning of your move or at the beginning of a repair dispute with your landlord.


Simply, because anything you say can–and will–be used against you. Therefore, consider leaving the details and threats or notices of legal action to your attorney.

What is the best response to send?

Depending on your personality, I recommend the following:

I object to you imposing any claims against my security deposit. Therefore, I demand a full return of the security deposit immediately. Please send it to me at: [address].

Please do not impose any claims against my security deposit. Instead, I request a prompt refund of the security deposit. Please send it to me at: [address].

A full return of my security deposit is requested and expected. Please send it to me at: [address].

I disagree with all of your alleged claims. Please send it to me at: [address].

If your communication style is to use the formatting tools like bolding, underlining or italicizing, feel free to use them. However, they are not required.

How should your response be sent?

It is always best to send the response via certified mail, return receipt requested. Why? Because that is proof that you objected to the landlord claiming your security deposit. However, if you cannot do so, consider sending it in the manner that you usually communicate with your landlord (email, text, or via regular U.S. Mail).

When should you send your response?

The best time to send the response is within 15 days of receiving the landlord's notice of claim upon the security deposit. However, if you miss this deadline, send it as soon as you can.


When possible, after a landlord makes a claim upon your security deposit, you should object to the claim. However, you should do so cautiously and carefully.

Are you interested in help with getting back your security deposit? If you are ready to move forward—or if you have any questions about us or our process, email us at [email protected]text us, or call us at (407) 294-9959. Otherwise, we wish you good luck with your legal matter.

About the Author

Debi Rumph

The Law Offices of Debi V. Rumph and Debi's Tenant Clinic Corner About Us Since July 2005, The Residential Realty Law Firm provided a wide range of legal services as it related to home ownership. However, on July 1, 2012, The Residential Realty Law Firm became the Law Offices of Debi V. Rumph. Debi pr...


Paula Prudente Reply

Posted Nov 30, 2024 at 11:04:17

Please Call or text me to receive my Security Deposit and Collect Damages, Grand Theft and Atty Fees, Court Costs RE: Wrongful Eviction Without Cause

Debi Rumph Reply

Posted Dec 02, 2024 at 09:22:16

Paula, it sounds like you’ve been through a stressful ordeal! I’m glad you reached out to us. We understand you’re seeking the return of your security deposit and want to pursue damages for what you believe was a wrongful eviction.

We’re ready to help you fight for your rights and get the justice you deserve. Here’s how we can assist:

Thorough Case Review: We’ll carefully examine all the details of your eviction, including any notices you received, court documents, and communication with your landlord, to determine if your eviction was indeed unlawful.
Demand for Compensation: We’ll send a strong demand letter to your former landlord, demanding the immediate return of your security deposit and outlining the potential legal consequences if they fail to comply. We’ll also include a claim for damages related to the wrongful eviction, including any expenses you incurred as a result.
Negotiation and Litigation: We’re prepared to negotiate with your former landlord to reach a fair settlement. If necessary, we won’t hesitate to take them to court to pursue your claims aggressively. We’ll fight to recover not only your security deposit and damages but also attorney fees and court costs.

Don’t wait any longer to take action! Contact us today to schedule a call with our team. We’ll discuss your case in detail, answer your questions, and develop a strategic plan to get you the results you deserve.

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