Dealing with pests in Florida can be a significant problem that requires a lot of effort, knowledge, and money to eliminate effectively. Some landlords may cut corners and provide insufficient pest control services, which can be frustrating. You may be curious about which pests are protected under Florida law. It's possible to argue that all pests are covered, but that particular argument requires expertise in the law.
Instead, let's focus on the pests that the Florida Landlord and Tenant Act addresses in Fla. Stat. s. 83.51.
Under Fla. Stat. s. 83.51, under most* circumstances, the landlord is expressly required to exterminate rats, mice, roaches, ants, wood-destroying organisms, and bedbugs.
*Note, as I discussed in the following article How long does a landlord have to get rid of roaches in Florida?/Can I break my lease because of roaches in Florida? Part I, a landlord, is not always responsible for pest control. Moreover, sometimes, lawyers have to get creative to make arguments that a landlord is responsible for pest control.
Are pests causing chaos in your home? It's time to take charge! We provide options for tenants just like you and invite you to complete our online form to learn more about the options we offer or contact us today.
jagrit Reply
Posted Nov 16, 2023 at 07:55:18
When it comes to pest control, it’s crucial to hire a pest control professional you can trust. – team is not only highly skilled but also genuinely professional in handling all pest issues. If you’re looking for a reliable pest control professional, look no further!
Check out for top-notch pest control by professionals
Debi Rumph Reply
Posted Dec 18, 2023 at 08:07:15
Jagrit, it is true that you should work with a pest control professional that you can trust.
Jerome Washington Reply
Posted Feb 03, 2024 at 05:50:22
Hello, my lease has in writing that monthly services will be held. In the past 3 plus years we have held to beg the landlord to get someone out to spray a total of 3 times, which is supposed to be 12 annually. Can I or should I submit a repair and deduction?
Debi Rumph Reply
Posted Feb 05, 2024 at 08:05:48
Hello Jerome, if your lease agreement includes monthly pest control, and your landlord has not provided it, you can take action. I suggest that you serve your landlord with a 7-day notice, also known as a Demand to Cure. This notice will give your landlord a chance to rectify the situation within the given time frame. You can access the form and read more about its use at this URL: However, before using this form, make sure you’re ready to move forward with terminating your lease or that you have an anti-eviction strategy employed. To learn more about your options, please see these informative pages at this URL: We wish you luck with this legal matter, Jerome!
Olivia Smith Reply
Posted Nov 30, 2024 at 19:12:04
I live in a rooming facility and I’ve been living here for about 3+years. In the last year I’ve been having a problem with bed bugs, rats and roaches. The bed bugs are so bad now that they are in my clothes in the drawer. I’ve mentioned it to the landlord, but that is just talking to a baby.
Debi Rumph Reply
Posted Dec 02, 2024 at 09:20:04
It’s absolutely unacceptable that you’ve been living with bed bugs, rats, and roaches for a year, especially after notifying your landlord. No one deserves to live in those conditions!
It sounds like you’ve been incredibly patient, but now it’s time to take action and get the situation resolved. Here’s how we can help:
Document the problem: Gather as much evidence as possible. Take photos and videos of the pests, their droppings, and any damage they’ve caused. Keep a record of all communication with your landlord.
Investigate your rights: Florida law provides tenants with certain rights and protections when it comes to habitable housing. We’ll help you understand your rights and explore all available legal options.
Negotiate with your landlord: We can communicate with your landlord on your behalf, demanding immediate action to address the infestation. We’ll push for a solution that gets you out of this unhealthy environment.
Consider legal action: If necessary, we’ll guide you through the process of pursuing legal action against your landlord for failing to provide habitable housing. This could include terminating your lease without penalty and potentially seeking compensation for damages.
Don’t suffer in silence any longer! Contact us today for help. We’ll discuss your case, answer your questions, and help you reclaim your peace of mind and a pest-free living space.
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