A free telephone telephone call can be a fantastic experience. It gives you a law firm's undivided and direct attention to get much-needed information on a subject. However, it has its limitations. Therefore, you should prepare yourself as best you can to maximize your experience.
We provide five (5) minute calls to potential clients. While this may not sound like a lot of time, it is actually adequate time to give a tenant sound general information on a subject matter. During these calls, we do not review documents. All we need are the basic facts surrounding your matter. For example, is the landlord failing to make repairs? Is the landlord accessing your home without permission or advance notice? Do you have a rental payment dispute? Have you been served with a 7-day notice? A 3 day notice? Have you received eviction papers from the court? Are you being charged an early termination fee?
Once you inform the law firm of your basic facts and your primary concerns, the law firm can quickly direct you, send you a relevant statute, or offer to send an email or article that will further educate you.
However, we cannot review the documents of every caller and provide specific advice on everyone's case. However, if you need specific advice concerning your particular circumstances, please consider our other services.
Customized Strategy Session With Document Review: https://www.debirumph.com/customized-strategy-session-with-document-review-with-debi-rumphs-tenant-clinic/
DIY With Assistance: https://www.debirumph.com/diy-with-assistance-representation-with-debi-rumphs-tenant-clinic/
Full Representation: https://www.debirumph.com/full-representation-with-debi-rumphs-tenant-clinic/
Are you interested in a Free Telephone Call? If you are ready to move forward—or if you have any questions about us or our process, email us at [email protected], text or call us at (407) 294-9959.
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